This research area promotes reflections on the ways in which cultural diversity is built, recognized, lived and rejected in contemporary societies. Cultural identity can acquire a specific form but can also overlap with other identities: gender, age, sexual orientation, social roles and social status, political affiliation. Scholars in this area are interested in studying the processes of social alignment (social rigidity) and misalignment (differentiation and subjectivation) that the social actors put in place or undergo, and which can determine processes of social exclusion or inclusion. The task of the group is to facilitate, using an interdisciplinary approach, a rethinking of institutions and public spaces in order to make them more inclusive, or more able to respect the fluid and evolving nature of identities.

She has coordinated several research projects at national level and participated in international projects. She has directed an International Framework-Cooperation Agreement between the Department of Political Science and the Faculty Semlalia in Marrakech, Morocco, and she has taught in international Masters and in foreign universities. She is a member of international associations: EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists), Fer Eurethno, SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore). She is on the editorial board of scientific journals. She has written several monographs and over one hundred essays. Her main fields of research are: immigrant families, second generations, Islamic communities, institutional racism, gender and religions, social services and healthcare. Read more

He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. He studies the political history of modern Europe and the history of journalism. He has published a biography of Ignazio Silone and has edited the private correspondence of Bernard Berenson. He has been academic program coordinator at the Scuola di giornalismo radiotelevisivo. He is a consultant for television history documentaries.
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He has taken part in several European research projects and collaborated with social cooperatives, research institutions and non-profit organizations. He has studied migratory processes, popular devotion, racism and social work. He currently teaches political and economic anthropology. He is the author of over 40 scientific publications. Read more

A Researcher and Lecturer in International Law, she has been awarded the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor. She is the author of several international law articles and of a book on the jurisdiction of maritime spaces beyond territorial sovereignty (Wolters Kluwer/CEDAM, 2018). She is a member of the editorial boards for the journals Diritti umani e diritto internazionale and Diritto di Internet, and for the books Trattato di Diritto internazionale (UTET Giuridica, 2015) and Carlo Focarelli’s International Law – II. Practice (2012-2019), (Wolters Kluwer/CEDAM, 2019). She is a member of the Italian Society of International Law (ISIL). Her main fields of research are International Human Rights Law, International Law of the Sea, International and European Migration. Read more

Associate Professor, History of International Relations. Read more

Deputy-director of the LEPA Centre. She has coordinated several research programs as Head of Unit on issues of morality. She has authored over 50 scientific papers and books. She is a member of the editorial board of national and international journals and the editor-in-chief of the Italian edition of the international journal In-Mind. Her main research interests focus on psychosocial predictors of ethical behavior in the online and offline environment as well as discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation.Read more

She is a member of the LEPA’s Coordination Committee, a member of the Research Committee and Erasmus Committee of the Department of Political Science, and a member of the Council of the Centre of Legal Studies on Consumers’ Rights at the University of Perugia. She has participated in several research projects both at national and international level, building up collaborations between the University of Perugia and other foreign universities. She has taught as Visiting Scholar in various universities abroad. She is the author of many publications, including three books and numerous articles, including i international journals. Her main research interests are: Fundamental Rights, Family and Minors, with special reference to assisted human reproduction; Law of Contracts, with special reference to Consumer Rights.Read more