International Conference
LEgality and PArticipation
Trends, Challenges, and Perspectives
16-17 June 2022
The International Conference concludes the 2018-2022 LEPA Project of Excellence of the Department of Political Science of the University of Perugia.
The Conference addressed the two pillars of the LEPA project, Legality and Participation, during a two-day venue, which will take place at the headquarters of the Department of Political Science on Thursday 16 – Friday 17, June 2022.
Through an interdisciplinary approach, peculiar of the Scipol department, the conference will take stock of how participatory phenomena, public ethics, and transparency influence the quality of contemporary institutions and democracies over time.
But also of which are the paths to follow – both in terms of research and concrete actions – to make them effective instruments for governing the complexity.
The conference hosts roundtables and debates with leading international scholars (link to the Programme page) as well as parallel panel open sessions, for which interested scholars are invited to submit paper proposals (link to the Call for papers page).