This research group analyses the processes of democratization that have taken place in Europe and in some extra-European countries using an interdisciplinary approach and a diachronic perspective. In particular, it focuses on the following research fields:
a) the study of the cultural and political processes whereby certain legal institutions and some founding values of liberal democracies faced difficult transitions into different cultural and social contexts;
b) the institutional and political transformations of Western Europe’s political systems in the face of the crisis of representative democracy, with a specific in-depth study of Germany’s history and its current situation;
c) the processes of democratization in some Eastern European countries, presented as case studies;
d) the process of democratization of international organizations;
e) the phenomenon of international migrations in the Mediterranean and the many cultural, political, social and linguistic repercussions in Northern Africa, the Middle East and Europe.
These topics have been the subject of conferences, workshops and seminars for secondary school students and of training courses for secondary school teachers.

Andrea Possieri is a Senior Researcher in the Department of Political Science at the University of Perugia where he teaches “State Building and Democratization” and “Migration Policies in the Contemporary World” in the Master’s Degree Program “International Relations”, and “Contemporary History II” in the Master’s Degree Program “Philosophy and Ethics of Relationships”. In 2005, he gained his PhD in “Contemporary political history in the 19th and 20th centuries” from the University of Bologna. His studies focus, principally, on the history of contemporary Italy, with an emphasis on the Italian unification period, the Great War, the Republican political system and foreign immigration. His publications include the monographs Il peso della storia [The weight of history] (il Mulino 2007) and Garibaldi (il Mulino, 2010). He is currently carrying out research into Vietnamese refugees who arrived in Italy between 1978 and 1979. Read more

She teaches US Foreign Policy in the Master’s degree program in International Relations. Her main research interests include democratic and totalitarian regimes during the Cold War, political transitions towards democracy, the political ideology of Fascism, the memory of Fascism after 1945, the liberal-democratic culture in Italy.
On these topics, she published two books and a number of articles. She has taken part in several joint research projects with various public and private institutions.
On these topics, she has published two books and a number of articles. She has taken part in several joint research projects with various public and private institutions. Read more

Her main research interests focus on North Africa and include cultural pluralism and modernity, Italian colonialism and its legacy, Italian communities, nationalism and national identity, and the role of civil society in democratization processes. She has conducted extensive studies and research in several European countries as well as in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco, collaborating with foreign and local institutions and participating in many long-term international research programs. Read more

A member of the LEPA Research Area “Legality and participation in the processes of democratisation”, she has spent several years teaching and doing research in a number of London universities and at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Bologna. Her main research interests lie in translation, popular culture, Scottish literature and language; on these themes she has published articles and essays in national and international journals and edited books. She has recently co-edited a special issue of the journal Perspectives about Popular Fiction in Translation (2018). Read more

His research interests are in the history of modern and contemporary political thought. He has published books and articles on the tradition of political realism, including on Niccolò Machiavelli, Robert Michels, Gaetano Mosca, Carl Schmitt, Gianfranco Miglio, Raymond Aron, Julien Freund, etc. He has also worked on a variety of research projects on some key concepts of political theory, including “nation” , “nationalism”, “fascism”, “populism”, and “right”. His works have been translated into English, French, German, Spanish, and Hungarian. In 2010 he founded the journal “Rivista di Politica”, of which he is editor in chief( Read more

He is currently studying the European political parties through a comparative approach. In particular, his research deals with the Left and the radical Left parties in Western Europe and the European populist parties. The most recent publications include: The European Radical Left. Transformation and Political Changement, in J. Ibrahim and J.M. Roberts (eds.), in Contemporary Left-Wing Activism, Vol. I (Routledge, 2019); Radical Left-wing Populism and Democracy in Europe, in C. de la Torre (eds.), Global Populism (Routledge, 2018); La sinistra radicale in Europa. Italia, Spagna, Francia, Germania (Donzelli, 2016). From the Communist Party to the Front de gauche. The French radical left from 1989 to 2014 (with M. De Luca), in «Communist and Post-Communist studies» (2016); New Left in the European Democracies: The case of German Radical Left (with L. Viviani), in «Partecipazione e conflitto» (2015). Read more

He coordinates the programme of seminars and conferences of the Department and is a member of the PhD Program Committee in “Politics, public policy and globalization”. His main research interests lie in Italian twentieth century history and, in particular, in the history of Fascism and the political system of Republican Italy. He has authored several books and papers in peer reviewed journals. His latest books concern the problem of political legitimation/delegitimation in the Italian national State, the relationship between the State and the Fascist Party in the “Ventennio” (Fascist period) and the welfare state as the gravitating centre of the Italian political system in the post-war years. Read more

A Researcher and Lecturer in International Law, she has been awarded the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor. She is the author of several international law articles and of a book on the jurisdiction of maritime spaces beyond territorial sovereignty (Wolters Kluwer/CEDAM, 2018). She is a member of the editorial boards for the journals Diritti umani e diritto internazionale and Diritto di Internet, and for the books Trattato di Diritto internazionale (UTET Giuridica, 2015) and Carlo Focarelli’s International Law – II. Practice (2012-2019), (Wolters Kluwer/CEDAM, 2019). She is a member of the Italian Society of International Law (ISIL). Her main fields of research are International Human Rights Law, International Law of the Sea, International and European Migration. Read more

She is a member of the organizing committee of the annual seminar programme “I Mercoledì di Scienze politiche” and a member of the committee responsible for the communication strategy of the Department of Political Science and for incoming students’ orientation. Her published work is focused on the history of racism and eugenics in the first half of the 20th century. Her current research interests include women’s history, especially as concerns demographic and reproductive politics in the twentieth century.Read more

She is a member of the LEPA Research Area “Legality and participation in the processes of democratisation” (with particular reference to Mediterranean and Eastern European areas) and the Erasmus Commission of the Department. Her research interests include French as a lingua franca in the 18th and 19th centuries, translation studies, and diachronic lexicology. She has published volumes and articles in national and international collected volumes and journals focusing on the language of the Countess of Albany, the Italian translations of Chateaubriand and the Dictionnaire critique de la langue française by Jean-François Féraud. Read more

He is the coordinator of the PhD program in Legality, Political Cultures and Democracy. He is the author/editor of over a hundred publications, including eight books and more than thirty articles. He is Chief Editor of the journal ‘Il pensiero politico’ and a member of the Scientific Committee of several book series focused on the History of Political Thought. His main research interest lies in the development of democratic ideas and lexicon in Europe, with a special focus on 19th-century France.
His main field of research is the development of democratic ideas and lexicon in Europe, and especially in France, during the XIXth Century. Read more

He is the coordinator of the Cirseu (International Center for Research and Eurasian Studies) and the author of several publications that mainly concern Russia, the Soviet Union and diplomatic relations with Italy. He is a member of the editorial boards of several journals and an advisor for a number of Italian, Russian and Romanian journals. He is the editor of two book series focusing on historical studies, “EurAsia” and “I Quaderni del Cirseu”, and was awarded the Saint Petersburg “Dante Alighieri Society” international prize for the publication of the book Dio salvi lo zar (Loffredo, Naples 2012).Read more

She teaches East Asian History and Culture at the Department of Political Science, was a lecturer in History of International relations at La Sapienza University in Rome and visiting research fellow at University College Dublin (UCD). She has participated in several research projects and has published three monographs and numerous essays in professional journals. She is member of the editorial board of several academic journals and the chief editor of a book series in Contemporary History. Her main research interests lie in the foreign policy of liberal Italy; Italian foreign policy in the interwar years; the relations between the Allies during and after WWII; and, more recently, the rise of China as a global power in the international system. Read more

She received her PhD in History of Modern and Contemporary European Political Thought at the University of Perugia. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Il Pensiero Politico”. She spent several research periods in the United States, in particular she was hosted at the “Eric Voegelin Institute” of the Louisiana State University, and attended many of the annual meetings of the “American Political Science Association-Eric Voegelin Society”. She has published books and articles in national and international journals. Read more

She teaches History of International Organizations and History of Cooperation and Development Policies in the Master’s degree program in International Relations. She is a member of the Scientific board of the book series “Storia delle organizzazioni internazionali e dei processi e movimenti di cooperazione internazionale” (Cedam/Kluwer), and a member of the research group for the publication of the Italian diplomatic documents (Series G – International organizations and global questions). Her publications include articles on the history of international aid during the Cold War years, on Italian foreign aid and on US foreign policy. Her research interests include North-South economic and political relations; the history of the UN and its specialized agencies; the reform and democratization of international organizations. Read more

His research interests range from comics in translation, to corpus-based translation studies and news translation. His publications include the volumes Comics in Translations (Routledge, 2008, editor), Translation-driven corpora (Routledge, 2012), News Media Translation (Cambridge University Press, 2021), several articles in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, and entries in encyclopaedias and handbooks. He is co-editor of the online translation journal inTRAlinea, and is in the advisory board of various international journals. Read more