This research group is committed to carrying out research projects, from a predominantly legal and economic perspective, on: the constitutional dimension of Social Europe; free movement of persons in the European Union; social inclusion policies (especially towards immigrants and third-country-nationals); labour markets and collective bargaining systems; the transformation and structural re-calibration of labour law regimes; and social protection systems in Europe from a comparative point of view.

She is the coordinator of internships and workshops for the degree programs in Communication (1st and 2nd level degrees). She completed her PhD in Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Pisa, Italy, where she also served as Researcher in Business Administration. Her research interests include business ethics, CSR and sustainability, cultural tourism, event management, and economic impact analysis. She has authored over 50 publications, including books and articles in peer-reviewed international journals published by major editors such as Springer and Taylor & Francis. She has also participated in several national and international research projects, including Prin, Interreg and Fers Programs. Read more

She was a visiting scholar at the New York University. She has participated in research programs with national Italian institutes, including SVIMEZ (Association for the Industrial Development of Southern Italy), INAPP (National Institute for Public Policy Development), and ISTAT (Italian National Statistical Institute) and collaborates with national and international journals. Her main research interests are labour market institutions, macroeconomic policy, corporate governance systems, and corporate governance and incentives. She is the author of fifty publications, including two books and several articles in peer-reviewed journals. Most of her work has been presented at international conferences and workshops. She is currently a partner in a research project on decentralized bargaining and policy evaluations, sponsored by ISTAT.Read more

He coordinates the programme of seminars and conferences of the Department and is a member of the PhD Program Committee in “Politics, public policy and globalization”. His main research interests lie in Italian twentieth century history and, in particular, in the history of Fascism and the political system of Republican Italy. He has authored several books and papers in peer reviewed journals. His latest books concern the problem of political legitimation/delegitimation in the Italian national State, the relationship between the State and the Fascist Party in the “Ventennio” (Fascist period) and the welfare state as the gravitating centre of the Italian political system in the post-war years. Read more

He is involved in many European research networks on labour law and has been research fellow and visiting professor in many universities and prestigious academic institutions (Columbia Law School, Durham University, University of Antwerp, Fordham Law School, European University Institute). He has written extensively in the area of labour law and social security law, with a focus on Europe and comparative aspects. His main publications include the volumes Social Rights and Market Freedom in the European Constitution (Cambridge University Press, 2006) and Diritto del lavoro europeo (CEDAM, 2017). He is a member of the editorial or advisory boards of several law journals (among which Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali and Rivista critica del diritto privato) and of a book series on labour law. Read more

She has taken part in a variety of national research and interdisciplinary projects. She is the author of two monographs and several articles published in academic journals and collected volumes. In the context of public and constitutional law her major research interests are: courts and direct application of the Constitution; fundamental rights and “new rights”; bioethics and bio-law issues; decision-making techniques used by the Constitutional Court; relations between State and Regions concerning the division of legislative competences. Read more

She is a member of the organizing committee of the annual seminar programme “I Mercoledì di Scienze politiche” and a member of the committee responsible for the communication strategy of the Department of Political Science and for incoming students’ orientation. Her published work is focused on the history of racism and eugenics in the first half of the 20th century. Her current research interests include women’s history, especially as concerns demographic and reproductive politics in the twentieth century. Read more

She is a member of the LEPA’s Coordination Committee, a member of the Research Committee and Erasmus Committee of the Department of Political Science, and a member of the Council of the Centre of Legal Studies on Consumers’ Rights at the University of Perugia. She has participated in several research projects both at national and international level, building up collaborations between the University of Perugia and other foreign universities. She has taught as Visiting Scholar in various universities abroad. She is the author of many publications, including three books and numerous articles, including i international journals. Her main research interests are: Fundamental Rights, Family and Minors, with special reference to assisted human reproduction; Law of Contracts, with special reference to Consumer Rights. Read more