Centre of studies on Legality and Participation

The Department of Political Science at the University of Perugia (Italy) has been selected as one of the 180 Departments of Excellence in Italy for the five year period 2018-2022. The Department was selected because of the results of scientific research, including its five-year development project called LEPA, LEgality and PArticipation.


The LEPA Centre
The project has at its core the LEPA Centre for Advanced Studies and Education on Legality and Participation.

Research at the LEPA centre is carried out in five main areas:

  1. quality of institutions, public ethics, policies against corruption;
  2. participatory and deliberative democracy;
  3. legality and integration among cultures;
  4. legality, social rights and social welfare in Europe;
  5. legality and participation in the democratization process (with particular reference to Mediterranean and Eastern European areas).


The LEPA Centre main objectives

  • • the Centre aims to spur research and advance projects contributing to social and political transformations, whilst using the concept of legality as a means of dealing with the complexities of reality. At the same time, its goal is to help meet the challenge of critical factors such as the de-legitimization of institutions, rising inequality and the corruption of administrations;
  • • to serve as a reference for the planning of large scale research projects within the European funding framework, in relation to the future calls on ”Governance for the future”, ”Migration”, ”Socioeconomic and cultural transformation in the context of the fourth industrial revolution”’, ”Security”..