Enrico Carloni is the director of the LEPA Centre, and is full Professor of Administrative Law in the Department of Political Science at the University of Perugia. He is the coordinator of the Degree program in Political Science and International Relations and of the Master’s degree in Administrative Science. He is a lawyer, with a PhD in Public Law from the University of Bologna. He’s currently PI of a European project (“Apta-Mod”) on the definition of models of administrative prevention of corruption (Hercules III Program, 2020-2022). He has also been Project leader in the European project for training and research on “Fighting corruption through administrative measures” (Hercules III program, 2016-2018)). From 2017 to 2020 he was appointed expert to the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC). His main fields of research are: administrative transparency, integrity of public officials, anti-corruption, administrative decentralization, digital administration. Read more
Check here his latest publications: “Anti-Corruption Models and Experiences The Case of the Western Balkans” (FrancoAngeli ed. or EU ed.)
Deputy-director of the LEPA Centre. She has coordinated several research programs as Head of Unit on issues of morality. She has authored over 50 scientific papers and books. She is a member of the editorial board of national and international journals and the editor-in-chief of the Italian edition of the international journal In-Mind. Her main research interests focus on psychosocial predictors of ethical behavior in the online and offline environment as well as discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation.Read more

Prof. Marco Mazzoni is the Coordinator of the Degree programs in Communication Studies. He is the Vice-president of the Italian Association of Political Communication. He has been a member of several national and international research projects and his work has been published in: International Journal of Press/Politics, European Journal of Communication, Journalism, Journalism Studies, Celebrity Studies, International Journal of Cultural Studies, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, il Mulino, Comunicazione Politica and Cuadernos de Informacion. He is a member of the editorial boards of Problemi dell’informazione and Comunicazione politica. His main fields of research are: political communication, mass media, journalism, public relations and lobbying.Read more

Prof. Fabio Raspadori has been awarded the National Scientific Qualification as full Professor in International Law and European Law. He is Jean Monnet Chair holder (European Commission 2017-2020), with the project “The Implementation of EU Policies by Regional and Local Authorities – EUREL”. Scientific Advisor at the European Documentation Centre of the University of Perugia and director of the university First Level Master’s Degree in Planning and access to the European funds for culture, creativity and multimedia. He is responsible for the working-group on European research projects at LEPA. He has published numerous books and articles on different aspects of law related to the international community and the European integration process, such as: international human rights, international organizations, regional and local authorities within the European integration process, European communication policy, European regulation of the biotechnologies, European governance and the democratic deficit.Read more

Prof. Michela Gnaldi teaches “Data Science for the Quality of Institutions” and “Quantitative Methods for Social Research. She is a senior statistician expert for the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), and a consultant for other national and international agencies (i.e. UNHCR, United Nations High Commission for Refugees). She has been leading (with Prof. Ponti) the Italian project “Measuring and contrasting corruption. Direct and indirect methods to quantify corruption”. Since 2016 she has led a thematic area within the Italian Association for Quality of Life (AIQUAV) on “Contrast to corruption, social integrity and quality of life”, with the aim of promoting the study of corruption in the statistics community and stimulating a debate around indicators of contrast to corruption as a precondition for community quality of life. She is the Official Representative of the University of Perugia within the ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) and its standing group “(Anti-)Corruption and Integrity”. She is co-editor, author and co-author of books and scientific articles on methodological issues in composite indicators construction, corruption measurement and indicators, and evaluation of the impact of public policies. Leggi di più

Paola de Salvo is an Assistant Professor in Sociology of the Environment and Territory at the Department of Political Science of the University of Perugia, where she teaches Sociology and Territorial Marketing and Urban and Rural Sociology. Her research activities concern the issues of territorial development and in particular the study of the enhancement of the territory understood both as a physical and social space, highlighting the relationships between the community and the surrounding environment. Her main research topics concern the characteristics of social practices with reference to the relationships that are established between the different aspects of the territory and their interpretations in terms of conservation, innovation and development. Among her recent publications are “Which model of landscape relaunch? The Umbrian case of Postignano” (2020), Cultura e partecipazione (2020), Il borgo: eredità e rigenerazione (2020). Read more

She has coordinated several research projects at national level and participated in international projects. She has directed an International Framework-Cooperation Agreement between the Department of Political Science and the Faculty Semlalia in Marrakech, Morocco, and she has taught in international Masters and in foreign universities. She is a member of international associations: EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists), Fer Eurethno, SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore). She is on the editorial board of scientific journals. She has written several monographs and over one hundred essays. Her main fields of research are: immigrant families, second generations, Islamic communities, institutional racism, gender and religions, social services and healthcare. Read more
Research Area Coordinator “Political cultures and participation in democratization processes (sec. XIX-XXI)”

Andrea Possieri is a Senior Researcher in the Department of Political Science at the University of Perugia where he teaches “State Building and Democratization” and “Migration Policies in the Contemporary World” in the Master’s Degree Program “International Relations”, and “Contemporary History II” in the Master’s Degree Program “Philosophy and Ethics of Relationships”. In 2005, he gained his PhD in “Contemporary political history in the 19th and 20th centuries” from the University of Bologna. His studies focus, principally, on the history of contemporary Italy, with an emphasis on the Italian unification period, the Great War, the Republican political system and foreign immigration. His publications include the monographs Il peso della storia [The weight of history] (il Mulino 2007) and Garibaldi (il Mulino, 2010). He is currently carrying out research into Vietnamese refugees who arrived in Italy between 1978 and 1979.Read more

Lucia Mangiavacchi teaches Political Economy in the Department of Political Science at the University of Perugia. She is also a Research Fellow at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) and an Associate Member of the Economics of Inequality and Poverty Analysis (EQUALITAS) group. She is a member of the Program Committee for the PhD in Development Economics and Local Systems at the University of Trento and University of Florence. Before joining the University of Perugia, she was Post-Doc Researcher at the Paris School of Economics and Associate Professor (currently on leave) in the Department of Economics at the University of The Balearic Islands (Spain). She has also held visiting positions at the Economix research centre at Nanterre University and at the European University Institute in Florence. She earned a degree in International Relations at the University of Bologna (2004) and a PhD (2010) in Economics at the University of Florence. Her research has an empirical focus and contributes mainly to the fields of household economics and labour economics. Her current topics of research are (i) the study of the impact of parental behaviors on children’s outcomes and (ii) the estimation of intra-household allocation of resources and intrahousehold decisions on labour supply and housework. Read more

Giuseppina Bonerba obtained a PhD in Semiotics from the University of Bologna, supervised by Prof. Umberto Eco, then she studied at the “École des hautes études en sciences sociales” in Paris and taught Langue et Civilisation italienne at the University of Tours (France). She is currently Assistant Professor of Sociology in the field of cultural and communicative processes at the Department of Political Science of the University of Perugia where she teaches Advertising in the Master’s Program “Public, Digital and Business Communication”. Her areas of research/interest include: media studies; media and politics; gender studies and migration. Areas of research/interest: media studies; media and politics; gender studies and migration Read more

Prof. Rita Marchetti teaches “Sociology of Digital Media” and “Political Systems and Communication Techniques”. Her main research interests are digital media, political communication, digital religion and corruption. She is associated investigator in the project PRIN2017 “The Politicisation of Corruption and Anticorruption Strategies in Italy” (Acronym: PolitiCAnti). Her work has appeared in a number of peer-reviewed journals, including The International Journal of Press Politics, European Journal of Communication, Journalism, Journalism Practice, Journalism Studies, The Communication Review, Journal of Religion in Europe, Comunicazione Politica, Polis, and Problemi dell’Informazione. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Comunicazione Politica. Read more

A Researcher and Lecturer in International Law, she has been awarded the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor. She is the author of several international law articles and of a book on the jurisdiction of maritime spaces beyond territorial sovereignty (Wolters Kluwer/CEDAM, 2018). She is a member of the editorial boards for the journals Diritti umani e diritto internazionale and Diritto di Internet, and for the books Trattato di Diritto internazionale (UTET Giuridica, 2015) and Carlo Focarelli’s International Law – II. Practice (2012-2019), (Wolters Kluwer/CEDAM, 2019). She is a member of the Italian Society of International Law (ISIL). Her main fields of research are International Human Rights Law, International Law of the Sea, International and European Migration.Read more