This area develops research lines on the subject of democratic participation and inclusive construction of public policies, with particular reference to government’s territorial policies (sustainability, urban and rural regeneration, common goods), the governing of emergencies (marginal areas, polluting infrastructures, post-earthquake reconstruction), and the dynamics of citizenship involvement in decision-making processes (on-line participation, relationship with institutes of direct democracy, so-called “populisms”). The methodological perspective is highly interdisciplinary and involves sociological, economic, urbanistic and legal competences.

Paola de Salvo is an Associate Profesor in Sociology of the Environment and Territory at the Department of Political Science of the University of Perugia, where she teaches Sociology and Territorial Marketing and Urban and Rural Sociology. Her research activities concern the issues of territorial development and in particular the study of the enhancement of the territory understood both as a physical and social space, highlighting the relationships between the community and the surrounding environment. Her main research topics concern the characteristics of social practices with reference to the relationships that are established between the different aspects of the territory and their interpretations in terms of conservation, innovation and development. Among her recent publications Which model of landscape realunch? The Umbrian case of Postignano (2020), Cultura e partecipazione (2020), Il borgo: eredità e rigenerazione (2020) Read more

Researcher, Sociology of Political phenomena. Read more

Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal QOE-IJES (Italian Journal of Electoral Studies)
Research fellow at the Eurac Research, Bolzano/Bozen, at the Istituto Cattaneo, Bologna, and associate member of the Centre for Local Government – University of New England, Australia. Ladislao Mittner Laureate for Political Science in 2007 by the German-Italian University Centre/German Academic Exchange Service (DIH/DAAD). Visiting scholar, among others, at the University of Granada (Spain); at the University of Giessen, at the Freie Universität Berlin, at the University of Potsdam (Germany); at the University of Texas at Austin (UTA). She has internationally published on comparative politics, local government, electoral studies. Read more

His research topics, to which he has devoted numerous national and international publications, concern social recognition, emotions, shame, critical theory, solidarity and classical sociological theory. He’s been Visiting Research Assistant at the University of Kent He is member of international research networks, including RILES (Research on Social Ties) and REDISS (Red Internacional de Sociología de las Sensibilidades). Read more

She holds a Bachelor degree in Social Work and a Master degree in Sociology and Social Policies at the University of Perugia. Afterwards, she attended and concluded positively a first-level Postgraduate Degree in Management of Social Enterprises (Master GIS) at the University of Trento. Her research interests focus on new models of urban governance, new commons and “commoning”, participation, citizenship and local development. She collaborates on the research area of local development of EURICSE (European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises) in Trento. She is part of the permanent working group “Communs de services de proximité” of the association La Coop des Communs which deals with the study of the commons and social and solidarity economy in France. Her most recent publications: Burini C., Sforzi J. (2020), Impresa sociale e rilancio delle edicole. Il caso di Edicola 518, un presidio culturale e sociale a Perugia, «Impresa Sociale», 3/2020; Euricse (2020), Imprese di comunità e beni comuni. Un fenomeno in evoluzione, «Euricse Research Reports», n. 18/2020, autori: Burini C., Sforzi J., Euricse, Trento. Leggi di più

His research interests are in the history of modern and contemporary political thought. He has published books and articles on the tradition of political realism, including on Niccolò Machiavelli, Robert Michels, Gaetano Mosca, Carl Schmitt, Gianfranco Miglio, Raymond Aron, Julien Freund, etc. He has also worked on a variety of research projects on some key concepts of political theory, including “nation” , “nationalism”, “fascism”, “populism”, and “right”. His works have been translated into English, French, German, Spanish, and Hungarian. In 2010 he founded the journal “Rivista di Politica”, of which he is editor in chief ( Read more

“Chercheur associé” of Sociology at the CERLIS Laboratory, University Paris Descartes, Paris Sorbonne, he is visiting researcher at the “Università della Svizzera Italiana” (Lugano, Switzerland). He had also been visiting researcher in several European study centers and universities, among others: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (FR), University Paris 1 “Panthéon-Sorbonne”(FR), University of Cambridge (UK), University of London (UK), IRESCO-Paris (FR), University of Lisbon (PO), Humboldt University (DE), New Bulgarian University-Sofia (BU).
He is external expert at European Commission for Horizon2020 projects evaluation.
Member of the scientific committee of different national and international specialized magazines; director of the editorial series “Social Theory” for Orthotes publisher.
For what concerns the research themes, Massimo Cerulo deals mainly with the sociology of emotions, the history of the sociological thought and the ethnographic in-deep analysis. He has introduced in Italy parts of the social theory of some classics of sociology such as Pierre Bourdieu, Gabriel Tarde and Arlie R. Hochschild. Read more

He is currently studying the European political parties through a comparative approach. In particular, his research deals with the Left and the radical Left parties in Western Europe and the European populist parties. The most recent publications include: The European Radical Left. Transformation and Political Changement, in J. Ibrahim and J.M. Roberts (eds.), in Contemporary Left-Wing Activism, Vol. I (Routledge, 2019); Radical Left-wing Populism and Democracy in Europe, in C. de la Torre (eds.), Global Populism (Routledge, 2018); La sinistra radicale in Europa. Italia, Spagna, Francia, Germania (Donzelli, 2016). From the Communist Party to the Front de gauche. The French radical left from 1989 to 2014 (with M. De Luca), in «Communist and Post-Communist studies» (2016); New Left in the European Democracies: The case of German Radical Left (with L. Viviani), in «Partecipazione e conflitto» (2015). Read more

Prof. Marco Mazzoni is the Coordinator of the Degree programs in Communication Studies. He is the Vice-president of the Italian Association of Political Communication. He has been a member of several national and international research projects and his work has been published in: International Journal of Press/Politics, European Journal of Communication, Journalism, Journalism Studies, Celebrity Studies, International Journal of Cultural Studies, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, il Mulino, Comunicazione Politica and Cuadernos de Informacion. He is a member of the editorial boards of Problemi dell’informazione and Comunicazione politica. His main fields of research are: political communication, mass media, journalism, public relations and lobbying. Read more

His research interests focus on matters connected both to local development ang governance such as place identity, place branding and tourism. His main research project deals just with the connections occurring between territorial image and territorial identity, but he is also studying the place branding approaches chosen in the context of small hilltowns and peripheral areas.
His latest publications: Pizzi M., de Salvo P. (2020), Which model of landscape relaunch? The Umbrian case of Postignano; Pizzi M., de Salvo P. (2020), Il borgo: eredità e rigenerazione; Pizzi M. (2021), Il potere dell’immagine: attribuzione di valore ai luoghi abbandonati attraverso la narrazione.
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Principal investigator of several research programs. Author of many papers and books. Co-director of the Journal “Quaderni di Teoria sociale” and member of committees of several scientific journals. Director of a book series of Sociology.
Main fields of research: social theory, sociology of knowledge and of collective thought (ideology, utopia, political culture, common sense, social representations, collective imaginary). Read more

Researcher and Lecturer, Technical and Urban Planning. Read more

His main fields of research are related to the history of agriculture, land and economic transformations between the modern and contemporary age. He has published several books and numerous books published in Italian and international volumes and magazines. He has overseen the organization of several national and international conferences. In 2010 he received the international “Daria Borghese” award for his studies on the history of Rome during the Renaissance period. He is the vice-president of the “Respro. Network of historians for production landscapes”. Read more